Increasing Renewable Energy Generation at Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant

As we head into spring, the FaCT3 consortium (comprising CAW, Farrans Construction and TES Technologies) is 20 weeks into a 78-week delivery programme for the Electrical Upgrade Contract at Uisce Éireann’s Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant. Already the detailed design has been completed and the major MEICA Components are on order with site installation scheduled to commence at the end of March 2024.

Jenbacher – JMS 320 GS-N/B. Cogeneration Unit
Based on their considerable specialist expertise in the utilisation of Biogas and its conversion into renewable energy, CAW is leading this Project, on behalf of the FaCT3 Consortium, delivering end-to-end project management, including the design, civil works, mechanical and electrical work, testing, and commissioning with the main components of the Scope of Supply being:
- The provision and installation of a new 1.067MW Jenbacher CHP Unit;
- The installation and commissioning of an insulated exhaust system from CHP to newly installed steam generator;
- The provision and installation of a new 4MVA Transformer;
- Various modifications and additions to the existing Bio-Gas pipework and electrical/SCADA PLC installation;
When completed the new CHP Installation will maximise the utilisation of the on-site generated BioGas and will annually generate 8,500 MWh of electrical and 3,850 MWh of thermal renewable energy displacing the equivalent fossil fuelled generated energy.
Ed Donelly, former Plant Maintenance Manager at the Ringsend WwTP and now the FaCT3 /CAW Design Lead for the Electrical Upgrade Contract commented:
‘’In recent years CAW has believed that sufficient Biogas is being generated at the Ringsend WWTP to support a fifth CHP Unit and we are now delighted to be leading the delivery of this fifth Unit under the Electrical Upgrade Contract which when complete will generate an additional 8,500 MWh of electrical and 3,850 MWh of thermal renewable energy, a great sustainability storey which CAW is proud to be involved in the delivery of.’”

Digital Render of Containerised CHP Unit in situ using Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology
This Electrical Upgrade is one of the multiple upgrade projects being commissioned by Uisce Éireann at the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant as part of their commitment to improving performance and capacity sustainably of wastewater services in the Greater Dublin Area.